Setting up your ActionID

What is an ActionID and why do I need it to access VAN?

  • An ActionID is a “passport” that links all your VAN accounts (if you have more than one) under a single email and password. 
  • Whenever you get a new VAN account, whether it’s for a campaign or a county party committee, you will receive an ActionID invitation sent to your email. Once accepted, this invitation will link your ActionID to your VAN account.

How to accept your ActionID and link it to your VAN account

  • Look for the invitation email. The email title should be “You’ve been invited to join [Your committee’s name] on Oklahoma Democratic Party.” If you cannot find it, check all inboxes including spam and promotional folders because you must take action on this email within 48 hours before the link expires. Starting August 24th, 2020, VAN will indicate an ActionID link has expired if you use an old link.
  • After you click “Accept Invitation”, it will bring you to VAN’s login page.
  • Then, follow the steps below under “Already have an ActionID” if you already have an existing ActionID. If you don’t have one, skip to “Do not have an ActionID”. 

What if I already have an ActionID?

  • If you already have an existing ActionID, you can just link this account to your existing ActionID. If you are unsure, you can go to and log in with your email to check. 
  • You will need to enter your account information and click login, which will take you to the Two-Factor Authentication page. You will then be prompted to enter the verification code to proceed. If you are using a device that you trust and nobody else has access to it, you can select “Remember this device” and you will not have to enter 2FA to log in again.
  • After entering the code you receive, you should see a green screen showing that your account has been connected. Click done, and you should be able to get straight into your VAN account.

Creating a new ActionID

How to create an ActionID for the first time

  • If you’ve never been to VAN before, you can create a new ActionID account. You can also do this if you’d like to create a new ActionID for your campaign email address.
  • Click “Create an Action ID account”, and enter the information you want to use for your account.
  • Enter all the required information like email address, password, name, etc
  • Once you click “Create Account”, you will first need to verify your email address. Starting August 24th, 2020, VAN will automatically send the email verification message instead of displaying it alongside the option to set up 2FA.
  • Open a new tab while still keeping this one open, and go to the email that you used to register, find the confirmation email, and click “Confirm My Account”. 
  • Once done, go back and follow step two to enable Two-Factor Authentication, which you will want to try to set up with an app, like Google Authenticator App. This is much more secure than setting up Two-Factor Authentication via text message. But, if you insist on using your cell phone number and receive text messages instead, you can do so here. 
  • 2FA is vitally important because it protects our valuable and sensitive data at TDP to ensure that only authorized users have access to them. Furthermore, 2FA is absolutely required to log in to your account -- if you don’t set it up, you will be locked out of your account.
  • After setting up Two-Factor Authentication, the last step is to link the new account invitation to the ActionID, so you will need to go back to your email and click “Accept Invitation” in the invitation link again. Starting August 24th, 2020, VAN will redirect users back to the site login page after setting up 2FA, and updating other redirect workflows to improve the login experience.
  • Once you have accepted the invitation, your ActionID will be linked to the committee that you were invited to.
  • You will then be prompted to sign the user agreement. You will want to look at this agreement on your computer so that you will be able to see and check off both boxes.
  • Then click exit, and you will be ready to use VAN and start contacting voters.